
Monday 8 June 2020

Finding the fake

I was hanging out with the other gorillas until I saw a strange looking one. It was really creepy because all day every day he would just sit there watching what every single gorilla was doing. I started to get creeped out. One thing that was really weird about the gorillas was that his eyes were different colours. One was brown and the other was black. It was very strange. Another thing is that the fur was curly, while the others were not. That is when I got an idea.

I called the leader of our group to come and check out the little guy. I honestly knew that it wasn’t a real gorilla. Our leader knew that it was a fake because when he went to shake it’s hand it didn’t want to, and everyone knows if the leader puts his hand out you have to shake it.

I remembered that the other day there was a man that had the gorilla. Without thinking I went and ripped the body open. I was a fake inside it was a camera. I knew it, it was a fake. I told everyone every single day that it was a fake but they didn’t believe it until the moment.

Since then every single new gorilla that comes in the pack I check them out to see if there is a camera in there or just a normal gorilla.

This is my story about me as gorilla. 

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