
Tuesday 13 August 2019

The master of escaping

Common name:Octopus

Scientific name: Octopoda

Te Reo Māori name:Wheke
Do you always think that you know octopuses well? I thought I did, until we did this activity. Did you know that an octopus is a escaper? Well you would think no, but after you read this you will know it. Octopuses are great escapers, but how. Well you may think that an octopus can not fit through little cracks and holes. Well your wrong. They can fit anywhere. At the top that is the scientific name and the Maori name.
What you will see is what an octopus eats. Where it lives. Its movement and special features.

→ A octopus likes to live in cold water.It loves the temperature of the water to be at least 60 degrees F or less. It lives near the pacific ocean. The octopuses live near Japan because there water is cold.


→ Octopuses eat crayfish,small fish,sea slug, sea snail, shrimp, shellfish and crab. The octopuses find there food in between rocks. I think the reason why is because it can come up from the water and chase its animal.

Behavior/ movement

→ Octopuses have different movements. When it turns red that means it is angry. When a predator is approaching then it blends in with the closest thing to it.For example, if a rock was by it would change color and match like it. What they also do is that they squirt out ink with someone is coming close.

Special features (adaptations)

Include a labelled diagram in this section

→ These are a octopuses special features. They have 9 brains, 3 hearts and suction cups. These are important to the octopus. The suction cups things help him to stuck had rock things the rocks. They probably have 9 brains to think better.

→ Now that you know what an octopus does you can tell your friends. Really they actually have nine brains.

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