
Tuesday 26 February 2019

Wild Juice

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Orange is least popular because they only gave away five oranges.

The Friday sales were only half what they were on Thursday. This is false because it wasn't even close to Thursday.

They sold about thirty juices a day. This is false because some day they sold more then thirty and some days less then thirty.

Orange and Mango is most popular. This is true because Orange and Mango gave away the most.

More people brought wild berry than pineapple.This is true because wild berry had eight teen and pineapple six teen.

Some people don't spend money at the canteen.

Sales on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were about the same. That is true because Monday was 28 Tuesday was 29 and Wednesday was 31.

They must need to order twice as much Orange and Mango as Tropical. On my opinion I think yes so they can get more money.

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