
Monday 30 August 2021

Classifying numbers!

 Today in our google meet we switched from Algebra to Geometry. Not only that, but we also started to learn about whole numbers, rational numbers and all those things. Here is the google side for my activity. Now I know that some might be wrong, but I just wanted to say that this is my very first time learning about it and it's good progress for me so that I can understand more about the subject. I hope that you enjoy this and remember to STAY SAFE!


Sunday 29 August 2021

Improper fractions and mixed numbers (more)

 This is my slide show from my last ed puzzle I did on Thursday. This is about fraction that are improper and mixed. I really liked doing this and learned lots. I hope that you enjoy it. Remember to STAY SAFE!


Thursday 26 August 2021

Advertisement for LAMPS!

 Hi, this is my advertisement. This was one of my literacy classes activity. Our task was to advertise something in our own homes. For today I advertise lamps in my house. Yes I do know that this is pretty basic, but that the first thing that came to the top of my head By the way the number is fake, so DO NOT  TRY IT! It is also in stores just wanted to do that because I see those in ads as well. Anyways I have a little challenge for you. See if you can spot the little message in the photo. As we all know Lock down is very hard to get through, but we've all done this one and we can get through it.Anyways I hope you enjoy this and remember to STAY SAFE!

Anxiety writing!

 This was my writing task in my reading slide show. This is the anxiety one, but the bullying one is yet to come. I really enjoyed writing this and had loads of fun. I hope that you learn something from this and remember to STAY SAFE!

Feeling nervous,having trouble concentrating and even rapidly breathing. If these things tick the box, then you have anxiety. Yes, I know anxiety is one of life's biggest challenges to overcome. However, what really is anxiety? How do you tell whether you have it or not? What causes it? Or even just some tips on how to control it. In this piece of writing I will be explaining all of those things and giving some tips. 

One big question is what really is anxiety? Believe it or not, anxiety is actually a natural alarm for our body. It is also when our body is responding to stress.Stress comes right under anxiety.On the other hand anxiety is when you have a fear of what’s to come in the future. Such as the first day of school or even just doing a speech. If you think about it, usually the day right before big events you're feeling stressed out and having anxiety. For example I remember when my literacy class had to write a speech and present it in front of the class.I was feeling very stressed out because I had no idea on what my topic would be about. 

Anyway, how can you tell if you have anxiety or stress. Well as I mentioned before feeling nervous, having trouble with concentration and rapidly breathing are just a few that are symptoms. Another really big one is when you're feeling weak or tired. Also if you are stressed out the symptoms for that is when you have ache pains, chest pains and high pressure. You also need to remember not to jump to conclusions though. Sometimes feeling tired and weak could  just mean that your body hasn’t had enough sleep. So make sure that you don’t just straight up think that you have anxiety. 

Another big question is what causes anxiety? Having past life experiences such as traumatic events appear to trigger anxiety disorders in people who are already prone to anxiety.If not that you can actually have anxiety from medical issues. Medical issues including diabetes,heart diseases and thyroid problems can cause anxiety as well.  

Finally, what are some tips to help control your anxiety? One really simple thing is to just take some time out. Taking time out in the middle of the day can help out heaps with your anxiety. Also remembering to slowly breathe in and out. Another way to help control it is to limit the amount of caffeine and alcohol that you have. The reason why is because having too much might put you into a panic attack. Even just getting enough sleep and counting to 10 slowly helps as well.

So in conclusion, anxiety is tough to beat, but you can do it. Anxiety can be good and bad, but hopefully after reading this you release a lot about it. I also hope that these tips help out on how to control it. Just remember that anyone in your household has anxiety, remember these tips or go and see a doctor. I hope you learned something by reading this. Always remember that you can OVERCOME ANYTHING THAT COMES YOUR WAY!

Anxiety,stress and bullying task!

 Today I worked on my Literacy activity. It was about anxiety,stress and bullying. TO be honest I really like this topic because theirs always something to learn with this topic. Actually I learned heaps about it as well. Just to make it clear about the last slide. Where it says to write about it, I did do it but its on another blog post so check it out. I did them separate as well. I hope that you enjoy this and that you learn something just like me. Always remember to STAY SAFE!

Last STEM session!

 Today we finally got to see our tech teachers at Tamaki. The sad part was that it was our last session with them, and of course it would have to be through google meets. Even though it was our last session we made the most of it. For the last session we got to learn about the States of Matter. Which are Solids,Liquids and Gases. Below our task were to take photos or get pictures off google. We needed to get 10 solids, 10 liquids and 10 gases. I'm very sad that we had to do our last session through meets. This term being in STEM/Science was AWESOME! I learned new things. My favourite session has to be when we did our heart rate and the pH one. Hopefully my next tech rotation can be just as good as this one. I just want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to MRS SHARMA for teaching me all of these new things. I wish you the best for your next rotation group. Anyways I hope you enjoy this and remember to STAY SAFE!

Topic 10-States of matter



Matter- the substance all things are made of 3 states



-Gas- water vapor

Liquid state takes the shape of whatever you put it in and its volume always stays the same 

Particles are separated and can ,move freely 

Solid state is like a thick shape and volume. Particulars are held together in a organised structures

Gaseous state is the steam that comes out of water vapour. It takes on the 




Wednesday 25 August 2021

Stress and Anxiety (plus mindfulness)

Today in our google meet we talked about stress and anxiety. We learned about what they actually are. We also watched to separate videos about each thing. I wrote down some notes on a google doc and made it into a poster. Not only that, but we also looked at what being mindfulness. I have to say that I did thing some new things about anxiety. If you want to know as well check out the poster I made. Hopefully lock down can come to a end next week. Anyways enjoy and always remember to STAY SAFE!

Monday 23 August 2021

Fractions (of amounts)

 Hi there, this is my maths. I watched a ed puzzle video about fractions of amounts. The ed puzzle really helped me learn more things about fractions. In this slide show was what was shown in the video. Anyway I hope that you enjoy this and remember to STAY SAFE!

Sunday 22 August 2021

New York City should be the only place to promote and sell Obama’s new deodorant item (Persuasive writing)

Hello there,this is my new persuasive writing.Like last time I did it with a animal/person,thing/object and lastly setting/place. This time I got Obama,Deodorant and New York. Just to clarify none of this is to make anyone feel bad, it is more for entertainment and for me to learn on how to write them. Another thing is that the scientific facts and studies are 100% FAKE and I made them up and that Obama isn't releasing a deodorant, even though we wish he could.So hopefully you can enjoy this and remember to STAY SAFE!



Setting/Place:New York 


New York City should be the only place to promote and sell Obama’s new deodorant item

Ideas for the paragraphs:

Paragraph 1:New York city has lots of ways on how to promote it and lots of ways to sell it 

Paragraph 2: What would happen if they allow other places to promote and sell it 

Paragraph 3: What the product could do to those that live in New York

As we all know, deodorant is one of life's most important things. It helps us smell nice under our armpits even if we sweat. Even though deodorant is a world wide thing.There is one particular place where they sell and promote the best deodorant. That place is New York City. As you may have heard on the news Obama is releasing his own DEODORANT! Since Obama is releasing his own deodorant New York City should be the only place to sell and promote it. Yes, I know this sounds bizarre, but I came up with 3 reasons and maybe by the end of you reading this you will agree. 

One big reason is because The Big Apple (NYC) has many ways to promote and sell it. Everyone knows that New York has 2 big TV stations. Which are WNBC and WNET. Not only that but New York has many resources in the marketing business as well. New York also has crazy but awesome ways on how to promote it. One time New York made headlines for promoting a small business in the air. They had a big mobile in the air like they do in the movies. They also have some unique ways to sell them. They would deliver things from drones. One time they just made purses in the rain in New York. Even though New York is in the US. You can ship it to where you live. Not only that, but there are some other options as well. One of them being a hot air balloon, but if we don’t let New York do it then it would just be plain. Which leads me up to the next reason. 

If we allow other countries to promote and sell Obamas new deodorant, then we’d be in trouble. You see other places such as the UK,Australia and New Zealand decrease the price of things. In those sorts of countries they judge the product on how it looks and would add some more expensive things to bring the original price up. One of the reasons they put it higher is when things sell out they can use that money to purchase more than regulars would. They would also use some of the extra money towards other things. Now this may sound strange and it is, but if we let other countries sell and promote it they would make it look as if Obama wanted people to not use it. You see, some countries don't like Obama, but would only want to sell his product because some people in their country love him.Also they would only promote it because it's deodorant, not because it's Obama’s.  So you see if we allow other countries to promote and sell it, the deodorant and Obama would be in Jeopardy.

Finally my last reason. Scientists have proven that New York has 43.856% more construction workers than any other country does. As we all know construction work causes a bunch of sweat, especially under the pits. If they allow just New York to sell and promote it, then construction workers can have an unlimited amount of the deodorant. Not just that, but there have been some articles saying that New York might just be the most if not the only place that has a stench. Now I know this may seem harsh, but if Obama can promote and sell his deodorant there, it would help many people's lives there to smell fantastic.

So in conclusion New York should be the only place to sell and promote Obama’s upcoming DEODORANT. If they are the only place to sell and promote, then next time you go to NYC just see if it smells good. I really hope that this moved you and now you agree. If you don't, that's totally fine. 

Thursday 19 August 2021

BEDMAS (order of operations)

 WOW! Well none of us saw this, but we are back into another lockdown. This is my maths task I crated by myself. Before lockdown I wanted to learn about Order of operation. In other words BEDMAS. I got to learn how to solve problems by watching a ED Puzzle video. I hope this helps one of yous to learn how to solve a problem with different symbols. Anyways enoy and STAY SAFE!


Tuesday 17 August 2021

Poster about me!

 This my poster about me! We had to create a poster all of yourself. In the image I have a photo of myself,the sports I play, my culture and lastly my favourite subject. I really enjoyed doing this and I hope I can do this again. ENJOY! 

Saturday 14 August 2021

Blobfish should be allowed to live in washing machines rather then in Mission Bay

This is my persasive writing on Blobfish should be allowed to live in washing machines rather then in Mission Bay. This was a really fun challenge. The reaosn why is because my literacy had to pick one paper from a box. Those catergories were a person/animal, the setting/place and a object/thing. I got a Blobfish,Mission Bay and Washing machine. Just to be clear all of the scientific facts and studies are 100% fake and made up. Although I wish they were. Anyways I hope you enjoy this piece because I really worked hard on it. ENJOY!


Setting/Place:Mission Bay 

Object/Thing:Washing Machine 


Blobfish should be allowed to live in washing machines rather then in Mission Bay 

Ideas for paragraphs

Idea 1 : Why a washing machine is better than Mission Bay 

Idea 2: The separate lives you life in those places  

Idea 3:How long Blobfish would be around if they live in washing machines 

A Blobfish living at Mission Bay sounds normal right? Well a Blobfish living in a washing machine sounds better. Even though Blobfish are sea animals/creatures and are meant to live in sea waters, washing machines might just be better.Yes, I know this sounds weird, but here are 3 main reasons why Blobfish should be allowed to live in washing machines rather than Mission Bay.

Studies show that washing machines are better homes to Blobfish than Mission Bay, or just any sea/ocean. Sounds strange,but here's why. Now picture this, a Blobfish has to exercise everyday to keep its shape. When it's in Mission Bay, it has to crawl around and it gets interrupted by kids at Mission Bay. Now here's where the washing machine plays in. If a Blobfish lives in a washing machine, it can just be turned on and all it does is nothing. How? Well it's because the washing machine is rotating and the Blobfish goes on with it as well. 

While Blobfish living at Mission Bay have to literally work to survive everyday,Blobfish living in washing machines just sit back and chillax. I mean you can’t be interrupted while you're doing things in a washing machine. Things such as sleeping and eating. See, now when you're at Mission Bay other animals are trying to steal your food, but when you're in a washing machine you have everything to yourself. The same goes for sleeping. When your sleeping at Mission Bay you're awakened by loud noises, but in a washing machine you can sleep for as long as you want.

Lastly, how long Blobfish would be around if they live in washing machines.Scientist believe that if all Blobfish live in washing machines, then there is a 97.9356% chance that we would still have Blobfish until the end of eternity. Well that is if we allow them to live in washing machines. If we continue to just leave them out in Mission Bay, then we could just say bye bye to Blobfish. Considering that there are only 420 Blobfish left in our world. By letting them live in washing machines we are increasing our chances of having more of them. 

So to sum up everything that has been stated. Blobfish should live in washing machines. I mean, there are even scientists agreeing with this idea. So we need to act faster than we ever have before and let Blobfish be around forever. One washing machine equals a whole family of Blobfish to be alive. What do you think now? Are you gonna buy a washing machine and put a Blobfish in there?  


Thursday 12 August 2021

Pulse/Heart rate TASK!

 So this is my teach class for the day. We were learning about Pulse/Heart rates. We had to do a series of things to see which gets the highest and the lowest rate. We did this is pairs and I was with Kiarah. One funny part was when Kiarah slipped trying to catch the ball. Anyways she was ok at the end. I hope I get to do this is the future. ENJOY! 

On the bottom is a photo of the watch we used to see our heart/pulse rate.

Carefully read and understand this recording and planning guide so you are systematic in scientific thinking, experimenting, recording and interpreting. 

Follow logically through each section so you are thorough in your science investigation steps. 

Complete each section with details needed so you have carefully logged your project...and so an outsider can know and understand too.


My science investigation TOPIC: 

Pulse Rates


My investigation question

Investigate the effect of different types of activity on the heart rate/pulse rate.

1.Which action/activity resulted in the highest heart rate? 

2.Which action/activity resulted in the lowest heart rate?

3.Why do you think this might be?


-I think running as fast as possible on the spot will have the highest heart/pulse rate.

-I think that sitting down I would have the lowest pulse/heart rate.   


Background research and knowledge I will explore as a backdrop to my investigation

High blood pressure-120mmHg

Low blood pressure-80 mmHg


Aim of my investigation



Put on the watch on tight so that your heart/pulse rate is correct


Wait for your heart rate to go down


Then you do the activities for 30 seconds and see if you heart/pulse rate goes up or down


Write down the results 


BOOM your done


My possible recording method

Data collection table

Name of the Activity

Length of Activity

Beat counted in 30 seconds

Heart Rate



30 seconds



Jogging on Spot

30 seconds



Throwing and Catching ball

30 seconds




30 seconds



Star Jumps

30 seconds



Running as fast as possible on spot

30 seconds





1.Which action/activity resulted in the highest heart rate?

   The activity that had my heart/pulse rate the highest was running

2.Which action/activity resulted in the lowest heart rate?

   The activity that my heart/pulse rate the lowest was just sitting down

3.Why do you think this might be?

I think that it happened because when you sit down you're relaxing your heart/pulse rate. When you're running it pumps it up.