
Wednesday 3 March 2021

Letter to Jacinda Ardern

This is my letter to the Prime minister because she came to Pt England. 


Dear Jacinda Ardern 

My name is Angelica and I am one of the year 7 students at Pt England. I was not there when you came to our school, but I heard that it was awesome to have you there. At school we have been learning about many things, but mainly simple things like literacy and maths. I just want to say thank you for giving school free lunches. It is not an easy job to give all kids in schools free lunches, but you make it seem easy. 

In New Zealand there are many problems, but the main thing is pollution and plastic. The reason why is that when plastic gets thrown into the ocean the animals there eat it. What happens next is that the fisherman bring the fish and all kinds of stuff to the shops. Next is that us humans go to buy it and go home to cook it and eat it. Once we eat it the plastic or rubbish that was in the fish is now in us. I think that the way we could all help is by recycling. Another way is to jst get rid of plastic for good. 

This part might be interesting, but there are many things in other countries that might not be in New Zealand. For example I wish that New Zealand coud have a huge swimming pool in one of the malls. Like it would be cool if Sylvia park had a swimming pool park. The reason why I would like a pool in the malls is because our swimming pools are a bit basic and it would be cool to go shopping and swimming. Another reason is that instead of parents taking their kids with them they can take them to the swimming pool. I would also like to have a disneyland or something similar. 

Yours Sincerely, Angelica 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Angelica, I agree, plastic and pollution is such a big problem in New Zealand! Oh my goodness, how could would it be to have a Water Park at Sylvia Park, I would love that!!!


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